Race Driver GRID 2008
Race Driver: Grid (stylized as Racedriver GRID, in the Americas, known simply as GRID) is the most recent addition to the TOCA Touring Car series.
Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil Game Guide
Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil is a first-person shooter video game developed by Nerve Software and id Software. It was released for the PC on April 3, 2005, as an expansion pack for Doom 3 and on October 5, 2005, for the Xbox video game console.
Games PC; Art Of Murder: Deadly Secrets Final Portable
New Yk city was beaten with a series of murders and the death toll mounting. FBI Agent Nicole Bonnet F to find an advantage it has become impossible as it seems that the victims are all antiques and collects and unrelated to the other.
Air Conflicts: Secret Wars 2011
Air Conflicts: Secret Wars is an arcade flight simulator set for World War II scenario +. During his seven campaigns, the player must fly and fight with more than 48 missions.
Tips for Travel Packing
When planning to take a trip, the hard task is packing all the things that you really need and leaving the things that you want. To make your travel packing a whole lot easier, here are a few helpful tips that should help you:
Rabu, 27 Juli 2011
Saturn water mystery finally solved
Schoolboy, 16, who murdered his ex-girlfriend over a bet for a free breakfast
Vikes have trade for McNabb
Selasa, 26 Juli 2011
China Steps Up Monitoring Web, Driving Many Users Away Wi-Fi
Senin, 25 Juli 2011
Extreme Photo of the Week
2011 Tour de France
Bodyboarding at Shark Island, Australia
Climbing Near Squamish, British Columbia, Canada
Ski Jumping in Alta, Utah
Sunset Highlining Near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Stand Up Paddle Surfing in Tahiti
Ice Climbing in Eidfjord, Norway
Kayaking La Paz Falls, Costa Rica
BASE Jumping, Utah
Kamis, 30 Juni 2011
DEATHMATCH; Windows Phone vs. Android

EASE OF USE Windows Mobile home screen is all I want a phone: a fascinating, dynamic and functional. Android has a customizable home screen, and love the ability to insert widgets, but in the end, the desktop metaphor seems a bit 'dated. WinPhone use of triumphs class all-in-one approach to Android. In general, Microsoft has created a lot easier at a glance the user interface. We considered penalized Windows Mobile 7, the lack of copy / paste, but then we tried to remember the last time we used, we call each other, and could not.
WINNER: Windows Mobile
FLEXIBILITY AND CUSTOMIZATION Microsoft said the simplicity of its mobile operating system, and the end result is that, apart from the ability to change color and position of the tabs on the homepage, you can not change a lot of interface all. We like Android in this sense because it allows a lot of control over our mobile environment. You can change almost all elements of the desktop, applications and settings powermanagement.
WINNER: Android
APPLICATION AND DEVELOPER SUPPORT Android applications are more than 100,000. At launch, Windows, the phone was only a few thousand, and the lack of large classes, like all Google applications (no surprise there), instant messaging and much more. Over time, Microsoft shut WinPhone results and use of games is a novel, but at this time, this class is a breeze.
WINNER: Android
EMAIL AND MESSAGING Both of these operating systems, "e-mail programs are easy to install and offer integrated support for Exchange, Gmail, Yahoo, and POP. User interface design from Microsoft and the color is slightly better than Android, especially because we can see three lines of text to the default view. Although Windows Mobile threaded SMS looks and feels better as the Android, you can download the text of the superior third-party customers in the Android Marketplace. This is too close to call, especially since the two client messages are top notch.

MEDIA STORAGE AND PLAYBACK Android is flexible in how it deals with the media. You can synchronize music with Windows Media Player or other synchronization client (except for the Zune and iTunes) and you can drag / drop directly from Windows for your device. Windows Phone works particularly well with the Zune, which gives you access to a massive music library for $ 15 per month and also gives you the card to access movies and TV shows. And you can sync your phone with your PC.
WINNER: Windows Phone
PHOTOS AND STORAGE These days, most of them are the equivalent of several rolls of fi lm in our pockets. The question, as always, what the hell we do with all these pictures? Both Windows and Android Phone offers easy ways to get photos taken. However, the ability of Windows Phone to automatically download photos on Facebook or SkyDrive, and the ability to view all photos of our friends and is so innovative that we wish we had thought.
WINNER: Windows Mobile
And the Winner Is...
The fact that Microsoft has discussed all the furniture feels like a small miracle. When the company announced that it is Windows Mobile 7 delayed earlier this year, we thought it was the kiss of death. Instead, Holy Cow! This is a unique, good-looking mobile operating system. It 'still a version 1.0, not approaching close to the level of customization available for Android users. But between the intuitive use of the basic classes of smartphone features, integrating the Zune, and a cleaner look, you declare a winner of Windows Mobile.
One last thought: One of the things we have not mentioned in this Deathmatch is the battery life. Ultimately, it would not be fair because the size of the equipment and the battery / Type is a big part of the equation. However, our tests clearly that the Windows Phone OS is much less intensive than the battery of Android. As we see more devices, we will study further.
Rabu, 29 Juni 2011
Selasa, 28 Juni 2011
Digging into Windows Phone 7 OS

Beneath this striking design, however, lies a number of step-saving effi ciencies. Across the board, the WinPhone interface consistently removes one to two steps from almost every single smartphone task we perform on a day-to-day basis. The only real exception to this is the ability to instantly read news, weather, and social updates via the desktop widgets that Android permits.
As a general rule, the level of customization consistently disappointed us. You can customize the placement of individual tiles on the Start screen—an extended press on an icon allows you to drag it around the home screen and place it wherever you’d like. You can also “pin” just about anything—applications, websites, photos, games, people, podcasts, and more—to the home screen in the same manner. Aft er just under a week of usage, we wanted to adjust the color and/or size of individual tiles. We wanted to leave a row of tiles blank in order to group our applications. We want to change font sizes. None of this is currently possible.
Unrealistically, we expected that because Exchange and Outlook are Microsoft products, Outlook in Windows Phone 7 would function in some kind of special manner. We were misguided. Performance around message delivery and syncing is identical to Android and the iPhone. Critics and users have groaned about the lack of a unifi ed inbox that lumps all of our emails together. Our take: It’s a nicety, but not a necessity. These days, most of us use separate inboxes to refl ect our various personas—worker bee, family man, pervert—so the separation makes sense. SMS texting utilizes the now-standard threaded approach, with each SMS conversation housed in a separate window.

We were pleasantly surprised by the high level of functionality the built-in (and free!)mobile Microsoft Offi ce suite allows. Most of the basic formatting and font options are here. If you’re a PowerPoint maestro, be warned: You can create and edit Word and Excel documents, but you can only edit pre-existing PPT decks. We were surprised to discover that you can only save your documents locally or on a Sharepoint server, and not to Microsoft ’s cloudbased SkyDrive service. (You can automatically save your photos to SkyDrive, however.)
Given the prevalence of touch-screen smartphones, the quality of WinPhone’s virtual
keyboard is important. We confess to feeling initially disappointed. In comparison to the competition, it feels too small and the keys are too crowded, particularly in landscape mode. We were pleased to discover that the virtual keyboard’s adaptive traits were top-notch. It constantly adapted to and corrected the errors caused by our clumsy, meaty thumbs.

One signifi cant change is the way the OS treats your friends and social networks. Instead of shunting your social life into a series of applications, Microsoft has created a dedicated channel—People—that allows you to keep track of all your real and faux friends’ posts, status updates, and more. This aggregated view also extends to the Photos category of the OS—here you can see all of your friends’ most recent photo posts.
The integrated Zune support is a beautiful thing; it essentially means that every
WinPhone is also a Zune HD. You can download and stream the entire Zune catalog of
music, podcasts, and videos. The only exception to this rule is that, for some reason, you can’t stream or download Zune music channels. The Zune PC soft ware functions as a sync client for WinPhone devices in the same manner that iTunes does for iPhones. Plugging your device into your PC initiates an automatic two-way sync (if you prefer), although you can also set up your phone to sync with your home PC via the wireless network if you prefer.
Application support is clearly Windows Phone’s biggest weakness. At launch, some hyperbasic categories such as instant messaging, Dropbox, and Google Voice weren’t available. That’s a big concern. It’s probably just a matter of time before we see thousands of apps filling Windows Phone 7’s marketplace. But if you’re looking for apps right now, you’ll be sorely disappointed.
Days aft er the launch, one of Maximum PC’s Facebook fans, I Jedi, summed things up with a key question about Windows Phone 7: What is Microsoft bringing to the table that will encourage adoption of its platform? It’s a fair question. The user interface design is so strikingly different that everyone wants to touch it. That’s a great start. But smartphone users are going to need more from WinPhones. More apps, more features, more functionality. More.
We confess to being intrigued and enamored by Windows Phone 7 as much for what it
does well now as for what it might accomplish in the future. In 12 months’ time, we envision a mobile OS with built-in remote connectivity to our desktop, our media server, and our home network. We envision a massive games library, with deep hooks to our Windows and Xbox games. We see built-in file sharing via SkyDrive. And yes, we see cut and paste.
The 12–18 month smartphone-upgrade cycle we all live by means that Microsoft has definitely inserted itself into the smartphone conversation. We’ll see what happens next.
Windows Phone 7: Ready for Action

The truth is that, given the large gap between Microsoft and its competition, namely Android and the iPhone, anything less than extraordinary would have doomed Windows Phone 7 from the start. There’s a greater truth here, however—one that has heretofore gone unspoken. Since U.S. Robotics’ debut of the Palm Pilot in 1996, we’ve been essentially stuck with the same look and feel for our PDAs and smartphones. Sure, Android extends the desktop metaphor a little bit, but isn’t it pretty much a Windows/Mac desktop?
So, we’re happy to see something different. And we’re slightly surprised to see such a refined and polished mobile operating system. It’s not perfect though. Windows Phone lacks deep layers of customization and cut/copy/paste functionality, and there’s a dearth of third-party app support. But it’s different in a good way, so much so that critics are having a hard time identifying what it is about this fledgling OS that makes people so happy. That’s a good sign for Microsoft and a better sign for all of us.
Over the next four pages, we’re going to take a deeper look at the OS and pit it in a head-to-head battle against Google Android. Welcome to the smartphone party, Microsoft. You’re late, but we’re glad you’re here.
Showtime The 5 Biggest Future Threats

MALICIOUS APPS We’ve already seen a few malicious apps that have made their way into the various smartphone app stores, including iTunes and the Android Market. This is incredibly fertile ground for the bad guys, who are interested in compromising as many devices as possible and being as quiet about it as they can. A trojan disguised as a game or an online banking app is a quick way to do just that.
PRE-INFECTED HARDWARE DEVICES There have been a number of examples of USB keys, mobile phones, and even digital photo frames being infected with malware before they leave the factory. Expect to see more of this, including malware pre-installed on laptop hard drives, in the years ahead, because a small payment for every device infected is an easy way for a low-paid factory worker to make a lot of money quickly.
MAC ATTACKS As the Mac platform’s popularity continues to grow, attackers will focus more and more of their attention on it. Expect to see more malware specifi cally designed to compromise Macs and iPhones as attackers begin to fi gure out useful attack vectors.
HIGHLY TARGETED PHISHING Mass phishing attacks are inefficient and attackers have turned their attention to highly targeted attacks, perhaps against a handful of key employees in a given organization who have access to valuable data. Emails that appear to come from a trusted customer, partner, or colleague and contain malicious PDFs or Excel spreadsheets have been a very successful vector and will continue to spread, especially among sophisticated attack crews with time and resources for reconnaissance.
Dennis Fisher is a security evangelist for Kaspersky Lab Americas.
Smartphone Security

Hang on Tight
Currently, the number one threat to smartphone users is having the device end up in the wrong hands, through theft or loss. Your first line of defense, therefore, is constant vigilance regarding your smartphone’s whereabouts.
Use a Password and Encryption
Should your phone get lost or stolen, a good first layer of protection is a password, an option many phone users neglect. Choose the strongest password option available—a passphrase, for instance, rather than a four-digit code or swipe pattern. Encryption options vary among mobile OSes, but when possible, you should encrypt your storage card as well as your device memory. Back Up Your Data Just as with a PC, backing up your smartphone is important. Regularly synching the device to a linked computer will do the trick. It’s insurance against the loss of your phone, corruption of your OS, or any other event that jeopardizes your data.
Don’t Store Sensitive Data
The surest way to guard your sensitive data is to keep it off your smartphone altogether. Minimize the number and/or days of emails you store on your phone, or better yet, save email and attachments to a server. Make it a habit to regularly move or delete anything you wouldn’t want to share with strangers.
Practice App Awareness
An abundance of apps is both a blessing and a curse for smartphones—there is no way every app that makes it to market can be thoroughly vetted for 100 percent fail-safe security. By selecting reputable apps, backed by favorable user reviews, from a trusted source, you can diminish the risks. Avoid apps with scant reviews or that have only recently been uploaded. Also be cautious when granting an app permissions; consider the app’s function and what it might reasonably need access to.
Keep Software/Firmware Updated
Make sure you are running the latest versions of your apps, OS, and phone manufacturer software and fi rmware. This will ensure that any security holes are patched and your device is less vulnerable to hacks.
Disable Bluetooth and Wi-Fi When Not in Use
Unsecured wireless networks can be used by hackers to either attack your phone or steal information from it. You can protect yourself by keeping Wi-Fi and Bluetooth off when you don’t need them. When wireless is needed, stick to known Wi-Fi networks using WPA2 and beware of public networks, which are sometimes set up by crooks to snare people’s data.
When using Bluetooth, make sure it’s in non-discoverable mode to avoid hacks like “Bluesnarfi ng” (stealing data), “Bluejacking” (sending unsolicited messages), and “Bluebugging” (listening in on your calls).
Beware of Links and Attachments
You’ve long been warned about the risks of opening strange links and attachments— particularly those arriving in unsolicited emails or text messages. All those same warnings apply to smartphones. And those warnings also apply to calling unfamiliar phone numbers received in messages, and clicking links for app “updates.” You can ensure the authenticity of an update by going to the app’s website.
Senin, 27 Juni 2011
Top 5 Threat Vectors Showtime

PDF/FLASH VULNERABILITIES There have been many zero-day vulnerabilities disclosed (and exploited) in 2010 based on PDF/Flash. These exploits have pioneered new attacks that bypass enhanced security measures such as address space layout randomization(ASLR) and data execution prevention (DEP). Due to the ubiquity of PDF/Flash technology, attackers use these vulnerabilities as a favorite way to infect machines. Oftentimes, end users think they cannot become infected through document/media fi les (only executables); this mentality needs to change quickly, because these vulnerabilities now present a very real and serious threat.
BOTNETS Once a machine is infected, there is another threat vector that exists—a botnet’s command and control (C&C) channel. Every botnet needs to phone home in order to receive commands and send stolen data. We see this as a potent threat vector, since if this channel is blocked, no instructions can be carried out, and no stolen information can be sent. There are lots of innovative ways that botnets try to discretely access C&C channels, but the most prevalent way remains HTTP, and, as a result, we deem the HTTP protocol itself a nasty threat vector. Most botnets will simply use RFC-compliant HTTP POST/GET commands; however, some will encrypt the payload to avoid detection.
XSS HOLES Cross-site scripting (XSS) holes have always been on the radar as one of the most dangerous web-based threats and continue to enjoy success because plenty of holes still exist on the web. A great example is a worm that hit Twitter in September 2010, where malicious tweets were sent out utilizing a freshly discovered XSS hole. While Twitter took quick action to shut this down, the worm was highly effective since it only required a user to roll their mouse over a link without having to click (it used the JavaScript onMouseOver technique). By doing so, the worm would then send further malicious tweets on that user’s behalf.
Persistent and nonpersistent XSS holes exist because of development oversights when implementing websites. Because they have existed for a while, and continue to be a problem, it is important to underscore the necessity of safe development practices to mitigate these threats.
THUMB DRIVES USB drives are actually one of, if not the most, common ways you can infect a network from inside a fi rewall. There are several reasons for this: They’re cheap, small, hold a lot of data, and can be used among multiple computer types. The ubiquity of thumb drives has driven hackers to develop targeted malware, such as the notorious Confi cker worm, that can automatically execute upon connecting with a live USB port. What’s worse is that default operating system confi gurations typically allow most programs(including malicious ones) to run automatically.
Source :
Derek Manky is project manager and cyber security and threat researcher at Fortinet’s Fortiguard Labs, and author of Fortinet’s monthly Threat Landscape Report.
Setting Up Windows Home Server ‘Vail’

The beta version is in the form of a downloadable ISO, so you'll burn a DVD from ISO, or install it on a USB memory Speedlight using Microsoft Windows 7 USB DVDto tool (http://store.microsoft.com/help/ISOtool). Since no optical drive is included in this release, the configuration was run from a USB flash drive 8 GB of flash.
Basic installation took place without incident, but when the system reboots WHS office for updates, a strange problem arose. Vail had no drivers for the integrated Intel Gigabit Ethernet hardware. It does not recognize Atheros Wi-Fi adapter, but could not connect to my home network when security is enabled.
Instead of asking for a password (for Wi-Fi) or ask the hard disk (for port gigabit), the system displays a screen that says no network connection available. The only option was to "Reboot". If you reboot, you will leave the words same results other hand, in an infinite loop! Obviously, this is a mistake, but hey, this is beta software, right?
Way to avoid this error is to press Ctrl-Alt-Del when the system searches the network (but before the "network not found" window will open). The right selection key, kill the process that checks for updates and then install the driver manually.
Installing the Connector software for Individual users is easier than in the original version of WHS. No need to copy the application on a CD or USB, or manually, go to server to download it.

Instead, open a browser and type the name of http://server / connect, where the server name is the name you gave to the server during installation. Then you can download and install the WHS connector on the target system. Note that a version of the connector can be downloaded for Mac OS X and Windows.
If you have a computer set to automatically start Windows, install the WHS Connector want to disable this function. Until WHS has begun, and all passwords are set consistently, you must manually log in as this is a home server, Business Server, we recommend you log in the system, and an account! Sign in to your WHS the same. When the user names and passwords are created and are the same, you can re-enable automatic login to the computer.

Instead, open a browser and type the name of http://server / connect, where the server name is the name you gave to the server during installation. Then you can download and install the WHS connector on the target system. Note that a version of the connector can be downloaded for Mac OS X and Windows.
If you have a computer set to automatically start Windows, install the WHS Connector want to disable this function. Until WHS has begun, and all passwords are set consistently, you must manually log in as this is a home server, Business Server, we recommend you log in the system, and an account! Sign in to your WHS the same. When the user names and passwords are created and are the same, you can re-enable automatic login to the computer.
Minggu, 26 Juni 2011
Top 20 Google Chrome Extensions / Plugins For Bloggers And Web Developers

In April 2010, Google Chrome was the third most popular browser with 6.73% of the usage share of web browsers worldwide, according to Net Applications. Although Firefox is the browser used by top bloggers, webmasters, web designers and web developers, Google Chrome also caught a lot of attention because of its speed and simplicity.
Here are some of the main Google Chrome extensions useful for the design of Web Blogging, and development. Some of them are very popular Firefox add-ons as well! Do not forget to take a look at my other post 25 Best Firefox Add-ons for bloggers and web designers.
Please read this post from the Google Chrome browser, because you can not add extensions for other browsers Chrome! :)
Extension RSS Feed
This extension automatically detects RSS son on the page you are reading and research, it will display an RSS icon in the Omnibox, you can click to see the flow of content and subscribe. The extension comes with four predefined feed readers (Google Reader, iGoogle, My Yahoo and Bloglines), and also lets you add any feed reader web based his election to the list.
Add to Chrome
Zemanta expands the author blogging on a regular, populating it on the fly with suggestions for content related to the current text. It contains images, links, articles, tags in a simple interface. It supports Blogger, WordPress, TypePad, Movable Type, Ning, Drupal, LiveJournal platform, Tumblr, and e-mail, Google Mail and Yahoo Mail.
Add to Chrome
Chrome SEO
Google Chrome SEO extension provides easy access to SEO tools that can help you with the competitive analysis, keyword research, backlink checks, checks and other daily tasks pagerank SEO.
Add to Chrome
SEO Pagerank Status / Alexa Toolbar
Status of SEO is easy. It will check the Google Page Rank (PR) & Alexa rankings for each page. Using this will also increase your Alexa.
Add to Chrome
Xmarks Synchronize Bookmarks
Backup and synchronize your bookmarks and open tabs in computers and browsers. Xmarks also available for Firefox, Safari and IE.
Add to Chrome
URL Shortener goo.gl
URL Shortener goo.gl is a plug-in that allows you to shorten the URL of the current page URL Shortener new Google service. When packaged url is automatically copied to the clipboard and you can share on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Delicious, Digg, MySpace, Google Reader, Gmail the default mail client.
Add to Chrome
Web Developer
Web Developer extension adds a toolbar in the browser with various web developer tools.
Add to Chrome
Draw a leader who will help you to get width and height of each pixel element on a web page.
Add to Chrome
Test resolution
An extension developers to test Web pages in different screen resolutions, with an option to set their own resolutions.
Add to Chrome
Metal Grease is a UserScript runtime for Google Chrome. The runtime hosts userscripts (small JavaScript files that modify the pages are shown) to be executed on Google Chrome, similar to what Greasemonkey does for Mozilla Firefox, Safari or Greasekit done.
Add to Chrome
LastPass is an online password manager and Form Filler free that makes your web browsing easier and safer. That captures passwords and lets you create strong passwords easily. Your data is encrypted locally before loading so that even LastPass can not access them!
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Picnik Extension
Chrome Picnik extension you can easily change the images that you encounter while surfing the web. When you click, you can create a snapshot of the current web page and open it in Picnik for easy installation, additions and sharing.
Add to Chrome
Google Dictionary
To continue, you can double-click a word to see its definition in a small pop-up bubble, and view the entire definition of any word or phrase in the dictionary using the address bar.
Add to Chrome
Feedly organizes your favorite sources in a start page magazine-like. A quick and convenient way to read and share content from your favorite sites and services. Provides seamless integration with Google Reader, Twitter, Delicious, YouTube and Amazon.
Add to Chrome
Google Reader Notifier
Show unread items in Google Reader account. By clicking to view a preview of pop or a player to open the account.
Add to Chrome
Gmail Checker Plus
Displays the number of unread messages in Gmail and Google Apps inbox. Mail Overview, read, delete, archive and mark it as spam.
Add to Chrome
WiseStamp - mail signatures in Gmail, Google Apps, and more
Enable Gmail, Google Mail and Google Apps email with dynamic email signatures. Add to Twitter, Facebook, Digg and more. HTML support multiple signatures.
Add to Chrome
Post to Twitter from Chrome's toolbar. The title and the URL of the current page, automatically became a book to send simple text links.
Add to Chrome
Facebook in Google Chrome
Extension that lets you play your Facebook news service and the wall. You can also send status updates.
Add to Chrome
Share a web page with your friends directly from the page you are. This extension adds a button in the toolbar from your browser. 100 + currently supports services like Google Buzz, WordPress, Blogger, Delicious, Digg, Yahoo Buzz, Reddit, Mixx, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Orkut, Plurk, etc.
Add to Chrome
Google Translator
This extension adds buttons to the toolbar of your browser. Click the icon to start when you want to translate the page you are visiting.
Add to Chrome
RemindMe allows you to set reminders while you search and synchronize between multiple computers.
Add to Chrome
Speed Tracer
Speed Tracer is a tool to help identify and correct performance problems in your web applications. Displays the settings are at low points of instrumentation in the browser and the analysis and the application is running. Speed Tracer is available as an extension of chrome and works on all platforms where extensions are currently supported (Windows and Linux). You must run the Google Chrome developers to use the channel tracking speed.
Add to Chrome
Hope you can enjoy and helpfully .....
Games PC; Art Of Murder: Deadly Secrets Final Portable

- Fantastic gameplay
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Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011
Games PC; Conspiracies II Lethal Networks 2011

In late 2063, Earth joined the Galactic Alliance device as a member. Now for the first time, the Earth is waiting for a significant improvement in their situation.
All believe that a new era to bring closer cooperation with other civilizations. A new era of development and prosperity that leads to the final solution to the political, economic and social in the world.
Nick Delio, a former private detective, and now is a secret agent of the government once accused of attempted murder against Annita Argyriou, chairman of the powerful SA Detronics, he realizes that someone has framed him. In his attempt to find the truth, he will find himself in the middle of the network of conspiracy exists in several Galactic device, even threatening its very existence.
Conspiracies II - Lethal Networks is a Full Motion Video (FMV), the 3D adventure game. It includes a lot of 3D puzzles and riddles, a great conspiracy story complex, funny dialogue and situations, which landed a story in a unique way.
The game's hero, Nick Delios, with friends around the world, experience new adventures trying to save the Earth, meet new people, facing new enemies, revealing new conspiracy involving the different planets in our galaxy now.
- 34 hours of game play
- Up to 12 different levels- worlds with over 8-10 locations each
- Up to 360,000 polygons for each location
- Over 3.000 high definition textures
- Simple point and click 3D gameplay with a unique hint system friendly to casual players, with challenges designed for the hardcore audience.
- PhysX Nvidia Engine for sophisticated dragging and moving objects, driving vehicles through tunnels and much more
- High Resolution Shading Lightmaps and Shaders 2.0 + support
- Over 2 hours of high definition video with 80 different actors
- Over 90 minutes of orchestral and electronic music.
- Full Length Film scoring soundtrack
System requirements
- Processor: Intel P4, 1.8 Ghz or AMD Athlon 64
- 512 Mb of RAM
- 9 Gb hard disk space available
- Graphics board of at least 128 Mb - and support of Shaders 2.0 and above
- Operating System, Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7
Download :
Conspiracies II Lethal Networks 2011 part1
Conspiracies II Lethal Networks 2011 part2
Conspiracies II Lethal Networks 2011 part3
Conspiracies II Lethal Networks 2011 part4
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